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Spot-The-Elf Competition Rules

How to Play:

1. Find Me

Visit the competition page on our website and click the link
to join the hunt. I’m hiding in-store, so bring your elf-detective skills!

2. Tell the World

Once you’ve found me, go to Instagram and:

3. Find the pinned competition post.

Comment how many times you’ve spotted me! You can comment up
to 3 times. Closest guesses will enter the final random draw.

4. Bonus Fun

 If you visit the store and spot me, snap a photo!

Post it on Instagram and tag #ShareTheBrickSperience for an
extra entry. You can do this daily because I keep moving!

5. Clues to Find Me:

Clue 1: You won’t find me on the Africa map. Count that as
one location.

Clue 2: Step into the circle on the map and take a 360° view at every location to find me.

Clue 3: Move to the next circle. Some locations are close—stand in all of them.

Bonus Point: Spot a staff member hiding and post a

Clue 4: Your number should be a double digit.

Clue 5: Look high and low.

Clue 6: Red Block Alert! I have a friend—he’s an escape artist!

Put on your elf hat and start hunting! Good luck!


Follow our Instagram page and @importatoy.

Comment how many times you found me on the original post.

Be 18 or older, live in South Africa, and keep track of my
hiding spots. Finalists might need to show where they found me!


3x R500 vouchers

2x R1000 vouchers

Winners will be randomly selected and announced on 16
December 2024.


By playing, you agree to the rules and terms on our website.

Instagram isn’t part of this—it’s between us and Santa!

© 2025 BrickTopia, a division of Import A Toy

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